Saturday, September 28, 2013
Real vs. Fake Gucci Soho Shoulder Leather Bag
Whether you like them or not, replica designer handbags are everywhere! It was estimated that 80% of bags carried my men and women in Dubai are actually fake, an odd statistic seeing that people in the UAE have the highest household incomes and quality of life in the Middle East.
Some women can't afford to splurge thousands of dirhams on a designer bag and opt to get a replica instead.
But there are so many bad knock-offs out there and it's hard to tell what you're going to get if you buy a replica purse online. That's why I introduced a new review segment to The Dubai Purse called: Real vs. Fake.
For this post, I'm going with the Gucci Soho Shoulder Leather Bag in light pink (real) and black (fake).
*Just a quick note here, I wasn't able to find the exact replica online but this is the closest I can get. If you have a replica Gucci Soho Shoulder Leather Bag, send us your review to*
Here are the real specs of the bag:
Now, the replica Gucci purse from Bagaholics (Selling price: 319USD):
I've never shopped at Bagaholics and I do own an original Gucci. The inside of the replica looks exactly like my real one. The inside fabric is almost identical in texture and color! The Gucci logo on the inside rim isn't straight which worries me but the stitching is well done. Also, the interlocking G is way too puffy on the replica, while the real one is flat.
It's not the best knock-off Gucci in the world and some designer bag enthusiasts might be able to detect it's fake.
Now, it's your turn: what do you think of this replica bag? Let us know in the comments section below or email us at
Some women can't afford to splurge thousands of dirhams on a designer bag and opt to get a replica instead.
But there are so many bad knock-offs out there and it's hard to tell what you're going to get if you buy a replica purse online. That's why I introduced a new review segment to The Dubai Purse called: Real vs. Fake.
For this post, I'm going with the Gucci Soho Shoulder Leather Bag in light pink (real) and black (fake).
*Just a quick note here, I wasn't able to find the exact replica online but this is the closest I can get. If you have a replica Gucci Soho Shoulder Leather Bag, send us your review to*
Here are the real specs of the bag:
- Material: Leather
- Measurement: (Approximately) Length 52cm; Height 31cm; Width 18cm; Handle drop 24cm
- Retail Price: 7,765 AED ($2,115) on Reebonz.
Now, the replica Gucci purse from Bagaholics (Selling price: 319USD):
I've never shopped at Bagaholics and I do own an original Gucci. The inside of the replica looks exactly like my real one. The inside fabric is almost identical in texture and color! The Gucci logo on the inside rim isn't straight which worries me but the stitching is well done. Also, the interlocking G is way too puffy on the replica, while the real one is flat.
It's not the best knock-off Gucci in the world and some designer bag enthusiasts might be able to detect it's fake.
Now, it's your turn: what do you think of this replica bag? Let us know in the comments section below or email us at
Reader Reviews: Hairzotic in Dubai Marina
A Purse Dubai reader just submitted her own review after my post about Hairzotic Beauty Salon in Dubai Marina.
"Hi Dear. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I would like to share mine ... Hairzotic is not a very clean salon. The staff is not rude but not welcoming either. Let s say less than average. The pedicure is painful ... and no way you can stop it even if you ask. The seats you have to sit in for one hour for pedicure are very uncomfortable : old mechanical massage chair ... I will never go back again and my back is still in pain after sitting so long in such an ugly place. Strange to see how each one have a different experience of the same place ... Thank you again for your interesting blog. :-)"
Thanks for the update Marion! Didn't know their quality went down hill since I last visited them.
If you've been to Hairzotic or any other beauty salon and would like to share your reviews, email as
"Hi Dear. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I would like to share mine ... Hairzotic is not a very clean salon. The staff is not rude but not welcoming either. Let s say less than average. The pedicure is painful ... and no way you can stop it even if you ask. The seats you have to sit in for one hour for pedicure are very uncomfortable : old mechanical massage chair ... I will never go back again and my back is still in pain after sitting so long in such an ugly place. Strange to see how each one have a different experience of the same place ... Thank you again for your interesting blog. :-)"
Thanks for the update Marion! Didn't know their quality went down hill since I last visited them.
If you've been to Hairzotic or any other beauty salon and would like to share your reviews, email as
Manhattan Grill in Dubai: Awesome Place for Steak and a First Date!
Last night, my husband and I went to dinner with our friends from out-of-town who were staying at the Grand Hyatt near Wafi Mall. Since they were exhausted from a long days' worth of fun Dubai activities, we decided to dine at the Manhattan Grill, located on the second floor of the huge hotel.
This was the first time I've ever been to or even seen this hotel and let me tell you, it is MASSIVE!
Here are the specs:
Food Quality
We were given a complementary soup to start off the meal which was in a huge bowl but the portion was so ridiculously tiny that I finished it in 3 scoops! The steaks were cooked to perfection and the side orders were also heavenly. My Nebraska Bone Off Prime Rib Eye was the best I've ever had and I got some mashed potatoes and steamed veggies on the side. One of my friends ordered a steak well-done but got it quite bloody which was unfortunate.
If I had to rate the service out of 10, 10 being impeccable, Manhattan Grill would get a 9. We were seated promptly, the drinks, appetizers and food arrived within 30 minutes of ordering. If you lived in Dubai as long as I have, 30 minutes is nothing compared to other restaurants that take up to 1 hour to get the food out. The waiters were very hospitable and kept their calm as 12 hungry people were ordering.
I must admit the prices are the highest I've seen in a while. The starting price of the steaks was from 200 AED ($55) and upwards. The cheapest item on the menu was the fish, but who goes to a steak house to eat fish? The win was also expensive and we downed a few bottles. Even the side dishes were expensive: a small bowl of mashed potatoes was 20 AED ($5). If you are going there, make sure you get some extra cash with you.
All in all, it was a great meal with a great group of friends and I enjoyed every minute of it. The only thing I could complain about that it was empty and kind of dead, with only 3 tables other than ours. There was also no music or any kind of ambiance, which is OK by me as I hate going to places where I can't hear anyone talking.
Here are the details:
Open 7 days a week
Lunch: 12:30pm to 3:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm to 11:30pm (until 12:00am on Thursdays and Fridays)
Closed for lunch on Fridays and Saturdays
24-hour valet service free of charge Smart casual attire
To reserve, call +971 4 317 2222 or visit
If you have any reviews or have visited this restaurant before, send us an email us at and tell us what you think.
This was the first time I've ever been to or even seen this hotel and let me tell you, it is MASSIVE!
Here are the specs:
- It's a whopping 37 acres of land
- 674 hotel rooms and suites
- 186 residential apartments
- 14 restaurants & Bars
- Award-winning Ahasees Spa & Club
- Indoor & outdoor swimming pools
- Golf & Tennis courses
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Where all the magic happens |
We were given a complementary soup to start off the meal which was in a huge bowl but the portion was so ridiculously tiny that I finished it in 3 scoops! The steaks were cooked to perfection and the side orders were also heavenly. My Nebraska Bone Off Prime Rib Eye was the best I've ever had and I got some mashed potatoes and steamed veggies on the side. One of my friends ordered a steak well-done but got it quite bloody which was unfortunate.
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Is this supposed to be an appetizer?! |
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Nom Nom Nom... Yummy Boneless Prime Rib Eye |
If I had to rate the service out of 10, 10 being impeccable, Manhattan Grill would get a 9. We were seated promptly, the drinks, appetizers and food arrived within 30 minutes of ordering. If you lived in Dubai as long as I have, 30 minutes is nothing compared to other restaurants that take up to 1 hour to get the food out. The waiters were very hospitable and kept their calm as 12 hungry people were ordering.
I must admit the prices are the highest I've seen in a while. The starting price of the steaks was from 200 AED ($55) and upwards. The cheapest item on the menu was the fish, but who goes to a steak house to eat fish? The win was also expensive and we downed a few bottles. Even the side dishes were expensive: a small bowl of mashed potatoes was 20 AED ($5). If you are going there, make sure you get some extra cash with you.
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Menu Items & Prices |
All in all, it was a great meal with a great group of friends and I enjoyed every minute of it. The only thing I could complain about that it was empty and kind of dead, with only 3 tables other than ours. There was also no music or any kind of ambiance, which is OK by me as I hate going to places where I can't hear anyone talking.
Here are the details:
Open 7 days a week
Lunch: 12:30pm to 3:00pm
Dinner: 7:00pm to 11:30pm (until 12:00am on Thursdays and Fridays)
Closed for lunch on Fridays and Saturdays
24-hour valet service free of charge Smart casual attire
To reserve, call +971 4 317 2222 or visit
If you have any reviews or have visited this restaurant before, send us an email us at and tell us what you think.
Friday, September 27, 2013 Exceeds Expectations
I recently purchased my very first designer bag: The Fendi Chameleon Textured Leather Shopper. And I am super excited about seeing that I used to beg my mom and sisters to wear their designer bags and never owned my own.
I've been searching for the perfect bag at the perfect price. And finally, I found it on My Theresa for $725 LESS than at the Fendi store in Dubai. If you hear people claiming that "oh, Dubai is cheaper since you don't pay taxes", they are gravely misinformed!
I decided to write a little something about since it got mixed reviews on SiteJabber.
Company Name:
Location: Germany
Contact Information: +49 89 679707-100, Monday to Friday, from 8:00am till 8:00pm CET (with the exception of German public holidays)
The website is easy to use and has everything from designer dresses, shoes and bags to hats, scarves and small leather goods. The pictures of the goods are high resolution and you can really see the item thoroughly. Also, each item is described in complete details like washing instructions and materials it's made of (100% cotton, for example).
Sizing & Quality
I purchased a handbag so I am not sure if the clothes "true to size". But since the website sells predominantly designer goods (like Alexander McQueen and Balenciaga), the sizing depends on what brand you choose. To make things easier, go to the mall and try on a dress then try to find it on the site for half the price.
The site accepts all major credit cards, but does not have a Pay Pal payment option. It's really easy and take a few steps to complete the whole process. You receive an email confirmation as soon as you click the check out button.
There is only one shipping option, which is with DHL with a standard shipping rate of €34 ($43). It takes 1 - 4 business days to deliver your items anywhere in the world. I got a tracking number the next day after my order.
It comes in a beautiful and large ribbon-wrapped box with inscribed. It's truly beautiful and feels great to unwrap.
I ordered my bag on May 31 and received it June 3. I could have gotten it earlier on June 2 but it was a weekend and had the package shipped to my office. It came the next day at exactly the same time I was told by the DHL representative.
Customer Service
Since my experience went smoothly, I did not use the customer service for complaints. I did, however, email them for the tracking number almost immediately after I made my order to check their customer service response time. I received a reply within 24 hours and it answered all my queries.
Return Policy
Like I said, I loved my bag and did not need to return it. However, if I did, my package came with return papers which I can easily attach to a box and send it back to Germany. For more information, click here for's policy for exchanges and returns.
Overall, my experience was wonderful. I just didn't like that I had to pay $84 (311 Dirhams) for customs and duties. This has nothing to do with MyTheresa and I knew that for any amount above a certain threshold, you have to pay duties and customs. Just a heads up if you are living in Dubai.
Happy Online Shopping!
Beauty Salon Reviews: Hairzotic In Dubai Marina is Worth Every Penny!
I had moved to the Dubai Marina with my husband 6 months ago and I
have yet to find a decent hair and nails place that didn't cost me half a
But finally, Hairzotic opened it's doors last month and I have become one of their most loyal customers. I visit them on a weekly basis for a manicure and pedicure so I have gotten to know their entire staff and I assure you, you will love getting your hair and nails done there.
As far as nails go, they are really good. They use sterilized instruments during the cleaning, they have a wide range of colors to choose from and the seating is really comfortable. As for hair, I got a trim there about a month ago and I was impressed (although I just got a trim, nothing fancy). The hairdresser did exactly as I said and didn't go overboard with her suggestions (most hairdressers do that and it's so annoying!)
All in all, I highly recommend them if you are living in the area!
Check out their price list below... I thought they were quite expensive at first but I ended up feeling like they were worth every penny.
But finally, Hairzotic opened it's doors last month and I have become one of their most loyal customers. I visit them on a weekly basis for a manicure and pedicure so I have gotten to know their entire staff and I assure you, you will love getting your hair and nails done there.
As far as nails go, they are really good. They use sterilized instruments during the cleaning, they have a wide range of colors to choose from and the seating is really comfortable. As for hair, I got a trim there about a month ago and I was impressed (although I just got a trim, nothing fancy). The hairdresser did exactly as I said and didn't go overboard with her suggestions (most hairdressers do that and it's so annoying!)
All in all, I highly recommend them if you are living in the area!
Check out their price list below... I thought they were quite expensive at first but I ended up feeling like they were worth every penny.
Nicolas & Jean Beauty Salon Review: Not Bad
Nicolas & Jean Beauty Salon
Media City, Media 1 Hotel, Ground Floor
Tel: +971-444-04828
Fax: +971-440-4827
Overall, the salon looked clean and I didn't see anything nasty enough to blog about. No hair on the floor, no smell of chemicals and it was properly ventilated. During my manicure, the esthetician used new tools straight out the bag which she assured me were disinfected and sterilized. I am not sure if she washed the soaking bowl before she put my hands in there, but it also looked fine.
Quality of Services
What I loved about this place is that they have a wide array of Essie nail polishes and that happens to be my favorite brand. It's nice to see a huge selection since not many salons have them because they are expensive.
Since I am usually in a hurry and hate to stay at the salon for hours, I really put a lot of emphasis on how timely they can get my nails done. And I was done in 45 minutes which isn't bad but I'd rather it be done earlier.
My manicure was OK, but was sub par if you compare it to the price.
Customer Service
I was a bit late for my appointment because I had to finish a report and when I walked in, the receptionist gave me a really nasty look. She was frowning and mumbling and I couldn't even hear her. Basically, she was giving me major attitude. I know I was late and I should have called, but Jesus lady, crack a smile!
My esthetician was really cute and I enjoyed chatting with her.
The prices are bit much but I guess could be considered reasonable for the Dubai Marina / Media City area. 120AED ($33) is typical for a manicure and pedicure but I didn't feel I was getting the star treatment.
Ember Bar & Grill at the Address Hotel: Absolute RUBBISH!
We went to pick up some dates from Bateel in Dubai Mall and we decided to get a bite to eat. Since it's Ramadan, you are not allowed (by law) to eat in any restaurant or cafe from dawn till sun set. Some offer take-away and delivery services but no dining in.
The only exception to this rule, as for many rules, are hotels. So, we decided on the Address hotel since it was the closest one to us.
In general, The Address is amazing... that's why I was shocked of how horrible the Ember Bar & Lounge is.
At first, it looked very promising because it's a luxurious, spacious and a very trendy place. But we quickly realized that the only thing we liked about it was leaving and vowing never to eat there again.
Food Quality
Terrible! I am pretty good a criticizing food and I really have a knack for knowing what tastes good and what tastes like poop.
The appetizers were OK: I had the salmon rillette (mashed salmon) and my husband had the duck salad. We didn't LOVE it but it was edible.
We liked that there were some cool ingredients we haven't tasted before, like this pink think next my salmon. Tasted like pickled carrots but I am not to sure if that's what it really is.
For the main course, we both had the beef chuck with really disgusting ratatouille covered with this dark brown liquid. It came with a side of chips (yes, like the Lays chips) and some Hummus-looking mashed potato / puree mixture that tasted like nothing.
We also got a brownie and vanilla ice cream for dessert, also as mild and bland as the appetizers. Absolutely nothing special.
If I had to rate the service out of 10, 10 being impeccable, Ember would get a 5.
The waiters weren't that courteous and had a sour-pus face on like we killed one of their family members.
The food arrived fairly quickly and in general the service was fast. Actually, it was too fast. Before we even got the dessert we ordered, they handed us the check! We hadn't even asked for it yet!
The prices for the set lunch menu were slightly on the expensive side: my two-course meal cost 147 AED ($40) and for the three-course meal, 174 AED ($48). That would have been doable if the food and service weren't so crappy.
I checked their menu here and yes they are a bit pricy.
If you want to make the same mistake we did then here Ember's contact info, although I DO NOT recommend it!
Dinner is served daily from 6.30 pm to 11.30pm
For reservations, please call T: +9714 888 3444 or email
Is Eva Knox a Fraud?
From the comments on her website, it seems that Ms. Knox has thousands of readers and fans (me included) because she gives us all what we really need: good first hand advice about shopping online.
Her site, although extremely helpful, reviews buying REPLICA designer bags online. Some might not condone this behavior as it is illegal. But in her defense, I believe she's providing an invaluable service because I would like to know if any retailer, whether replica or not, is going to rip me off. Or if I'm paying good money for sub-par products.
She has about 90 replica website reviews, which is quite impressive. Some are written from her own experiences, while others are emailed in by her readers. Out of all these reviews, one thing is pretty obvious: the only site that gets an A+ in Eva's books is PurseValley (P.V).
She has written countless times that P.V is by far the best in customer service, quality and reliability. Check out this article as one of the many examples of her constant adulation of the site.
During the time when I was thinking of buying a knock-off bag, I was so convinced that my first purchase will be from there because of her rave reviews. But I wanted to make sure that the conclusion of P.V as a reliable website was unanimous.
And turns out, it's not! According to this blog post, Eva Knox, or Sofia Nolan, OWNS PurseValley. Initially, I didn't believe it at all since it seemed so genuine. But I dug a little deeper and found that on page 17 of this serving notice, Spotbags is also known as PurseValley.
Defendant 155: Eva Knox! |
There are many reviews of women who have been cheated by P.V and Nolan. I am just glad I wasn't duped like the rest of her readers who aren't aware of her ulterior motives. I don't want to call her a scam artist, but the serving notice doesn't lie.
Do you have a handbag replica story you would like to share? Have you been cheated or did you get a great quality bag? Let us know in the comments section below or email us at
Looking forward to hearing from you!